Rishabh Singh


I am Rishabh Singh, a PhD candidate under the advisement of Dr. Jose C. Principe at the Computational NeuroEngineering Lab (CNEL), University of Florida.

My research work involves developing physics inspired functional operators in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) for obtaining representations of data and neural network models that are useful for various applications in machine learning and signal processing that primarily include uncertainty quantification of neural networks, quantification of data/model transferability and time-series dependency quantification and clustering. Visit my Research page to learn more!

Research Interests: Kernel methods, Information Theoretic Learning, Machine Learning, Physics inspired methods for interpreting data and neural networks.

Extra-curricular Interests: Outdoor runs, Soccer, Cooking, Global affairs.

PhD (2018 - expected 2022) - University of Florida, USA
Master of Science (2016 - 2018) - University of Florida, USA
Bachelor of Technology (2010 - 2014) - Vellore Institute of Technology, India.

I am in the job market for research positions. Please reach out to me for opprtunities broadly related to (but not limited to) areas such as trusted/safe AI research, physics inspired AI, uncertainty in AI, representation learning, interpretable/explainable AI and robust AI research.

Email: rish283@ufl.edu